Our Area of Practice

General law issues

The discipline of law is interwoven. For the firm owns’ growth and to keep abreast with facts, we do a lot in research and also provide innovative solutions to clients. We readily assist investors at the instance of divorce because such can have a tremendous negative impact on their business. Trending topic is of great interest to us.

Banking and insurance law

Setting up a bank, receiving deposits from clients, giving out loans, repaying one’s loans, are all challenges clients are faced with on a daily basis. Our job at The Fambove law firm is to provide solutions to all such issues and related ones.

Taxation law

The payment of taxes for investors has never been the issue. To legally pay less and remain a compliant business or company is the all-time concern. In essence, can a company really pay less taxes and remain a compliant business/ company? The answer is emphatically yes. We at the Fambove law firm enables the companies to comply with taxation authorities while making profit. Our leimotiv is to enable companies and businesses to do will while observing the regulation. Also, we help manage obtain and manage mining and tenements.

Real estate and administrative law

Real estate is the all-time business. We readily assist client who like to develop a real estate project. Buying for and selling landed property on behalf of our client is the major part of our activities. Owning to the vast experience The Fambove law firm has acquired in this domain, we also assist in; -Land registration and concession of lands in Cameroon. -land title cancellation and rehabilitation procedure. -Acquisition of land for agribusiness purpose and so on.

Business compliance and due diligence in Cameroon and within CEMAC Region

Developing a sustainable business entails some regulatory compliance. Within the Cemac region the main idea has being over time to enable investors carry on their business from one country to the other. The Fambove law firm assist clients and businesses of all size navigate their way within Cameroon in particular and the Cemac zone in general. Also, to ease interactions among business owners, the need to carry out a comprehensive due diligence is becoming a prerequisite. To this end, we ready assist clients to secure their investments.

Amicable dispute resolutions

The Fambove law firm is very rooted and grounded in litigation. Nonetheless, we strongly advise clients to go for amicable settlement. This saves time and builds long and lasting relationships which are of mutual benefit to clients/parties. To ensure a dispute is properly resolved amicably, The Fambove law firm assists her clients in: - drafting of their compromise - obtaining Conservatory measures before courts and tribunals while waiting the arbitral court to definitely solve the issue at hand -Execution of arbitral award and many more.

Technology and telecom law in Cameroon

Technology, media and telecommunications law (TMT) deals within the movement of communications across various platforms such as the television, print, internet or mobile devices. The internet in particular offers a very big market to investors. The commercialisation of products and services on internet is the order of the day. The Fambove law firm enables investors to legally sell their products and services on the internet and equally safeguard their intellectual property rights (trademark, licence).

Corporate and commercial law in Cameroon and OHADA Zone

Wealth creation is a main preoccupation for all business men. To buy or sell a business, to establish a new one, to finance a deal, these are their major concerns. At The Fambove law firm, our prime mission is to enable clients and businesses of all side do well in their day to day activities. Flooting companies, restructuring, merger and acquisition are part of the package we offer to clients taking into consideration the peculiar nature of their activities.

Employment law and social benefits in Cameroon

The life of a worker within a company might be subjected to many problems amongst which: - Wrongful termination - Resignation - Contract modification Owing to some fluctuations like merger or acquisition of existing company. All much modifications go with some financial consequences for both the workers and the companies. The Fambove law firm offers to companies a wide range of possibilities and legal advice to enable a company to pay off workers, to maintain the right balance and to continue her activities. For us at The Fambove law firm, the company must survive and equally give her workers a decent financial treatment.

Immigration law and cross-border issues

The Movement of men within the globe is an old story. Maintaining the flow is the major concern. Apart from the Cemac region, and some countries with which Cameroon has treaty to ease the move of their citizens. Securing a visa, resident permit is still the subject of the day for anyone willing to spend some days or months in Cameroon. Not far from this, is the requirement to obtain a work permit for any foreigner who is coming to Cameroon to assume managerial role within an existing company. The Fambove law firm readily assist her clients to make their entry and stay in Cameroon a less cumbersome one.

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